And We Are?
Ghost Encounters Tours or GET, is bought to you by the Parapsychology And Investigations Research Society (PAIRS). PAIRS is India's renowned parapsychology society, registered under the GOI, which researches and investigates subjects like ghosts, demons, possessions, near death experiences, telekinesis to name a few. As an initiative to create awareness about the field, PAIRS, over the years has initiated and been a part of multiple projects. PAIRS is also the creator of Asia's Biggest Paranormal Convention, ScareCon® India, organised during Halloween every year in Mumbai, Maharashtra.
At GET we design, organise, and curate the best paranormal tours in the country with the perfect blend of sessions, activities and fun. It's an invite only event, which means we strictly curate who joins in, based on the form that needs to be filled in, so you only interact with serious enthusiasts of the field.